
WingHaven Country Club

man sinking a putt on the green

Become A Member Of MGA

By joining the MGA, you are supporting the many great things we do for the game of golf in Missouri. Since 1903, the MGA has been dedicated to preserving and protecting golf in Missouri. If you are 65 or older, you could qualify for a free MGA membership with your Medicare Advantage or Medicare Supplement plan!

Individual Membership Benefits

Tournament Entry

MGA members are eligible to play in all championships.

Online Pro Shop

Use code MOGA24 for 20% off your purchase!

eClub Membership

Renew your MGA eClub GHIN membership today!

GHIN Mobile App

The official mobile app of Golf Handicap Information Network

Hole-In-One Program

MGA provides a Hole-in-One certificate to MGA members who accomplish this remarkable feat. As a way of celebrating your achievement, MGA will also send each golfer a special bag tag that includes details about the accomplishment.

Current year MGA Membership (does not include GHIN Membership)
Hole in One in the current season

Fill out the form below and it will submit electronically to the MGA. Please note you must have a current and active MGA/USGA GHIN Handicap index in order to be eligible for this member service.

Also, please allow four to six weeks for processing and receipt of the bag tag and certificate.

Thank you for submitting your information. Any questions about the MGA Golf Hole-In-One Program can be directed to Michelle Parrish at [email protected] 

Report A Hole-In-One >

Hole-In-One Recipients >


photograph of kassidy hull

MGA Clubhouse

Become an MGA member and unlock the Clubhouse, your all-in-one portal for exclusive member discounts, special deals on golf gear, travel perks, and more. Explore everything the Clubhouse has to offer and elevate your golf experience!

man sinking a putt on the green

Club Membership Benefits

By joining the MGA, you are supporting the many great things we do for the game of golf in Missouri. Since 1903, the MGA has been dedicated to preserving and protecting golf in Missouri. 

To become an MGA Club Member please contact us using our contact form and we will reach out to you shortly!

Services & Programs
  • MGA is the governing body of the game of golf in Missouri
  • MGA is the licensed provider of the USGA Handicap System
  • MGA is the licensed provider of the USGA Course Rating System
  • MGA is the regional authority on the Rules of Golf
  • MGA is the regional authority on the Rules of Amateur Status
  • MGA provides educational opportunities for our member clubs
  • MGA conducts state championships including the Missouri Amateur
  • MGA conducts a statewide junior golf program and championships
  • MGA conducts the MGA Senior Series Tour
  • MGA assists Member Clubs with tournament administration
  • MGA provides free educational support for the Handicap Program and the Golf Genius Software
  • MGA conducts and selects teams for the East-West Missouri Cup Match
  • MGA maintains statewide point lists to identify and honor our players
  • MGA oversees the USGA Handicap System to assure compliance and integrity
  • MGA provides free Course Measuring services to member clubs
  • MGA provides free Course Rating Services to member clubs
  • MGA provides free Course Marking and Local Rules advisory services
  • MGA provides golf-related communications through its website, newsletters, social media, e-revisions & publications
  • MGA provides education to clubs on golfers on course management, agronomy, handicapping, and the Rules of Golf
  • MGA allows Member Clubs the opportunity to advertise special events on the MGA website or through broadcast emails
  • MGA allows for our Member Clubs to place ads on our website
  • Clubs that are members are included in the MGA Directory of Clubs on the website.
  • MGA offers the opportunity to learn golf administration through our USGA Grants.

Missouri Junior Golf Foundation

The Missouri Junior Golf Foundation is a non-profit corporation established back in 1998. The Foundation also conducts all junior golf programs to bring the game of golf to those who would not otherwise have the opportunity to play the game of golf.  Under the direction of the Foundation, we assist in collegiate golf events in the State. The Foundation owns the Ken Lanning Golf Center. KLGC is a 9 hole golf course located in Jefferson City. The KLGC was built for players of all ages and abilities so that everyone has the opportunity to play golf.

logo for the Missouri Junior Golf Foundation

MWGEA Scholarship

In 1997 The Missouri Women’s Golf Association (In 2017 they merged with the Missouri Golf Association) established the Missouri Women’s Golf Education Association, Inc. (MWGEA) as a Missouri not-for-profit corporation. The mission of the MWGEA is to grant scholarships to graduating high school women from Missouri, on one occasion per high school graduate.